老澳门六合彩资料 Physician Assistant Program

Mission and Program Goals


The mission of the 老澳门六合彩资料 Physician Assistant Program is to lead the creation and advancement of health equity by empowering and educating the next generation of physician assistants to achieve academic, personal, and professional success and become committed life-long learners who will provide compassionate, high quality, patient-centered care to meet the primary health care needs of the urban and rural underserved populations in Georgia and the nation. 


The Values of the 老澳门六合彩资料 Physician Assistant Program are:

  • Integrity
  • Wisdom
  • Knowledge
  • Excellence
  • Innovation
  • Service
  • Compassion
  • Leadership
  • Professionalism

Due to the developing nature of our program and insufficient longevity of data collection, our program is still in the refinement process for measuring goal achievement. We are committed to continually improving our data sources and analyses to measure effectiveness in attaining our program-specific goals.


1.  Foster an environment that ensures our education, research, and service initiatives address the primary healthcare needs of the underserved rural and urban communities across Georgia.   

     This goal contains three main actions supported by the data below:

Education (2 metrics)

  • Outcome Measure 
    • The program set the average benchmark at >3.5 on a 5.0-point Likert scale for student perception of all competency domains on End of Program survey.  The program considers an overall average of >3.5 on a 5.0-point Likert scale is at or above the benchmark.
    • Faculty analyzed data collected on an End of Program survey administered to the classes of 2021, 2022 and 2023.
  • Rationale
    • The survey asked students to rate their confidence in program competencies across nine domains.  The nine domains included patient care, knowledge of practice, practice-based learning improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, systems-based practice, interprofessional collaboration, personal and professional development, and social accountability in medicine.  
    • The program utilized >3.5 on 5.0 on a  Likert scale as the benchmark to remain consistent with the average or 70% used for graduate programs across the institution.
  • Actual Outcome
      • Students in the 2021, 2022, and 2023 cohorts rated their confidence in the nine program competencies as an average score of 3.62, 3.88, and 3.95 respectively on a 5.0 Likert scale. (3.82 overall mean)
      • Metric met benchmark 
  • Outcome Measure
    • The program set the average benchmark at >3.5 on a 5.0-point Likert scale for questions about the effectiveness of didactic and clinical phases in providing students the knowledge and skills necessary for entry-level practice in varying fields of medicine on the Faculty and Staff Curriculum Survey.
    • Faculty analyzed data collected on the Faculty and Staff Curriculum survey administered to faculty and staff during the matriculation of the student cohorts 2021 and 2022. 
  • Rationale
    • The survey asked faculty and staff to rate the curriculum for both didactic and clinical years. 
        • PA faculty and staff rated the didactic and curriculum phase curricula as above average in preparing students to enter practice in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine, behavioral medicine, and women's health.  
        • The program utilized >3.5 on 5.0 on a  Likert scale as the benchmark to remain consistent with the average or 70% used for graduate programs across the institution.
  • Actual Outcome 
    • On average the faculty and staff rated Didactic Currriculum (2023 and 2024)
      • FM -       3.96
      • IM (O) -  3.89
      • IM (I)  -   3.93
      • EM -       3.74
    • On average the faculty and staff rated Clinical Currriculum (2023 and 2024)
      • FM -       4.06
      • IM (O) -  4.00
      • IM (I)  -   4.14
      • EM -       4.07
    • All metrics met benchmark.

Research (1 metric)

  • Outcome Measure
    • The program indicated that 100% of students would participate in a Capstone Research project and benchmark as 50% of students would be complete a selected to participate in the annual 老澳门六合彩资料Research Symposium. 
  • Rationale
    • The Capstone Projects were used to demonstrate that students use existing data to conduct research as it relates to rural and underserved communities.  The students are placed into learning communities based on topics of interest and participate in community engagement activities to parallel with the research topics.  
    • Participation in the 老澳门六合彩资料Researach Symposium was considered an opportunity to publish research efforts as part of a peer-reviewed process.  This activity demonstrates the program is providing rich experiences in research that can impact underserved communities.
    • The rationale for the benchmark was that students from various academic backgrounds will matriculate with variable research backgrounds.  The program recognized that half of the applicants may have research backgrounds and/or master's degrees that provided exposure to scholarship.
  • Actual Outcomes
    •  Student topics for 2021, 2022, and 2023 are provided below.
    • The program made great gains over the past year updating the process and timing for the students to complete the Capstone Research Projects.  To ensure students made optimal use of their time, the program utilized the learning communities to author group projects in 2023 rather than individual projects for the 2021 and 2022 cohorts.  This new process offered improved results.  All learning communities (>50% of learners) were selected to participate in the Annual 老澳门六合彩资料Curtis Parker Symposium.    
    • The program met the benchmark for this component in 2023; however not 2021 and 2022. (33%)
    • All components of this metric combined did not meet the 70% benchmark, thus the metric was not met.

Service (3 metrics)

  • Outcome Measure
    • The program considered the number of students employed in Georgia and primary care settings. The 2021, 2022, and 2023 cohort completed a Graduate survey.
    • The program established a benchmark that 65% of students would practice medicine in Georgia, 20% would practice in primary care, 30% in Medically Underserved Areas (MUA), and 30% in Healthcare Provider Shortage Area (HPS).
  • Rationale
    • The program uses the MUA and HSP gradute data to show that students are impacted by the curriculum and environment such that they seek employment across GA in rural and urban underserved areas.
    • The benchmarks were established based on institutional trend data of graduates practices in GA, HPS, and MUA.
  • Actual Outcome
    • 2021
      • 91% of respondents to a graduate survey indicated they were employed in Georgia
        34% of respondents are working in Primary Care (Internal Medicine or Family Practice)
        58% of respondents to a graduate survey are working or have worked in a Medically Underserved Area (MUA)
        33% of respondents to a graduate survey are working or have worked in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA)
    •  2022
      • 73% of respondents to a graduate survey indicated they were employed in Georgia
        27% of respondents are working in Primary Care (Internal Medicine or Family Practice)
        40% of respondents to a graduate survey are working or have worked in a Medically Underserved Area (MUA)
        20% of respondents to a graduate survey are working or have worked in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA)
    • 2023
      • 37% of respondents to a graduate survey indicated they were employed in Georgia
        23% of respondents are working in Primary Care (Internal Medicine or Family Practice)
        27% of respondents to a graduate survey are working or have worked in a Medically Underserved Area (MUA)
        20% of respondents to a graduate survey are working or have worked in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA)
  • Actual Outcomes
    • On average the 67% of graduates remained in the state of GA to practice clinically.  
    • On average 28% of graduates practiced primary care.
    • On average 42% of graduates practiced clinically in MUA.
    • On average 24% of graduates practiced clinically in HPSA.
    • Thus on average 75% of these metrics were met (above 70% benchmark)
  • Outcome Measure
    • The program considered student volunteer hours at the 老澳门六合彩资料HEAL Clinic. 
    • The program established a benchmark of 30% of students would volunteer with the HEAL Clinic.
  • Rationale 
    • The HEAL clinic (free student run primary care clinic) activities are part of the learning environment to demonstrate service and clinical exposure offered by the program/institution to expose students to underserved and underinsured patients.
  • Actual Outcomes
      • HEAL Participation            2021                 2022                  2023
                                       n            4                           11                        16
        % of class participating.   (4/19) 21%        (11/29) 38%       (16/35) 46%
        Hours per volunteer         12.03                14.17                 15.038
    • On average 35% of students in CO21, CO22, CO23 participated in the HEAL Clinic.
    • This metrics was not met.
  • Outcome Measure
    • The program considered student performance in the Medicine & Society Course series.  This course series includes service initiatives as well as the elements of the capstone project. 
    • The benchmark established was that all students must pass with a grade of 70% or greater.  
  • Rationale
    • The Medicine & Society course series is the essence of the school's mission embedded in the curriculum.  This provides student the space to learn and gain knowledge regarding underserved populations. For example, the second part of this series allows students to apply principles of Community-Oriented Primary Care to develop intervention programs that can improve health outcomes and address health disparities.  The course introduces concepts of patient advocacy, public health and provider bias, racial/ethnic disparities and social determinants of health as it relates to health outcomes and its impact of clinical practice.
    Actual Outcomes
      • The program met the benchmark as all students completed the Medicine & Society Course series with an average grade of 95.7%. 
    • The program met the benchmark for this component.

Goal 1 Program Effectiveness - There were 6 metrics used in this goal.  (2 education; 1 research; and 3 service) Both metrics met benchmark for education.  The one research metrics did not meet benchmark.  One metric in the service area did not meet benchmark.

Thus of the 6 metrics used to measure effectiveness, two were not met.  67% of the metrics were above the benchmark.   The program recognizes that an above average (70%) score across all benchmarks/metris as evidence of effectiveness.  Goal 1 was not met.


2.  Engage learners in opportunities to explore transformational models of care for vulnerable populations that advance health equity. 

            This goal contains four metrics supported by the data below:

Capstone Research Project

  • Outcome Measure
    • The program established the benchmark that all (100%) students must complete a capstone project that focused on vulnerable populations
  • Rationale
    • The Capstone Projects were demonstrate that students use existing data to conduct research as it relates to rural and underserved communities.  Students are placed into learning communities based on topics of interests and participate in community engagement activities to parallel with the research topics.  The program recognizes that using literature to expand knowledge and provide exposure to the health and healthcare needs of vulnerable populations is an essential part of exploring transformational models.
  • Actual Outcomes
    • 100% of students completed a capstone research project focusing on family health, pediatrics, women鈥檚 health, or rural health specifically in underserved and/or marginalized communities.
    • The program met the benchmark for 2021, 2022, and 2023 cohorts.
    • The program met the benchmark for this component.

Community Service

  • Outcome Measure
    • The program established the benchmark that all (100%) students (cohort 2021 and 2022) must complete community service for vulnerable populations.
  • Rationale
    • Service initiatives are a core part of the insitution's missions which seeks to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities.
  • Actual Outcomes 
    • 100% of students complete community service in learning communities as a component of the Capstone Projects.
    • 100% of students participated in community service, including PAs in the Park and Community Health Screenings.
    • A growing number of students are also participating in the HEAL Clinic
      • HEAL Participation            2021                 2022                  2023
                                       n            4                         11                      16
        % of class participating    (4/19) 21%         (11/29) 38%        (16/35) 46%
        Hours per volunteer         12.03                14.17                 15.038

    • The program met benchmark for this component.

Medicine & Society Course Series

  • Outcome Measures
    • 100% of students will complete Medicine & Society course series and obtain a passing grade (>70%) in all courses.
  • Rationale
    • The Medicine & Society Course Series includes a Community-Oriented Primary Care Project. Meeting benchmark for 2021, 2022, and 2023 cohorts.
    • The program identified courses such as those in the Medicine & Society series to ensure data about there experiences could be highlighted. Given the course series offers reflective writing opportunitities. community service activities, community needs assessment through wind-shield assignments.  Student performance indicates engagment in opportunities that begin to move the needle on creating health equity in underserved communities.
  • Actual Outcomes
    • All (100%) students completed Medicine & Society Course Series, which includes the Community-Oriented Primary Care Project.
    • All students earned >70% passing grade in all courses.
    • The program met the benchmark for this component.

Social Accountability (Program Domain 9)

  • Outcome Measures
    • The program established the benchmark that all (100%) students must rate achievement in Domain 9: Social Accountability in the Practice of Medicine as >3.5 on a 5.0-point Likert scale. for student perception of all competency domains on End of Program survey.
  • Rationale
    • The Social Accountability Competency question (found in the  Student End of Program Survey) focuses on priortizing and addressing community health outcomes through civic engagement, ethical leadership and global social responsibility while delivering equitable and sustainable healthcare.
  • Actual Outcomes
    • All students who completed the program rated achievement in Domain 9: Social Accountability in the Practice of Medicine as 4.10. 
      • 2021    2022     2023
      • 4.06     4.40      3.85
    • The program met the benchmark for 2021, 2022, and 2023 cohorts.

Goal 2 Program Effectiveness - The program met all benchmarks across each metric including research, service, classroom, and program competencies.  The program recognizes that achievement of a goal necessitates meeting >70% of the metrics.  Evidence provided for Goal 2 indicates that 100% of the metrics ere met.  Goal 2 was met.

3.  Recruit, educate, retain, and graduate learners from underrepresented groups in the medical profession to increase the diversity of the Physician Assistant workforce.

The goal contains for five metrics supported by the data below: 

(Matriculation Data, Attrition, PANCE, Employer Survey, End of Program Survey)

  • Outcome Measures (Recruit and Retain) 
    • Matriculation Data 
    • The program set benchmarks that it would recruit, matriculate, and retain students from underrepresented groups above the national average.
  • Rationale
    • Matriculation data was utilized to indicated the number of students entering the program to be trained.  The above national average benchmark was established due to historical mission and tradition of the institution as an HBCU.
    • Attrition data informs how students are retained.
    • PANCE data was utilized to indicate student were retained and able to take final performance on the PANCE.  The pass rate indicates the effectiveness of the education and training process.

  • Actual Outcomes
    • Recruit and Retain
    • CO2021   CO2022    CO2023     CO2024       Nationally* 
        65%            80%          75%           66.7%          2.7%        Identifying as Black/
                                                                                                     African American.
        5%              3.3%         5%             0%                4.8%        Identifying as Hispanic
                                                                                                       or Latino.
        5%              6.7%         10%           12.8%          3.2%        Identified as more than
                                                                                                       one race.
        5%               6%           15%                                 6.7%        Attrition rate

    • The program set a benchmark that it will achieve greater than the national average for recruitment and matriculation of students from underrepresented groups in the medical profession.
    • The program met the benchmark for students identifying as Black or African American, as well as students identifying as more than one race. The program did not meet the benchmark for students identifying as Hispanic or Latino for matriculated program for 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 cohorts).
    • The program set a benchmark that the student attrition rate will be <5%.   
    • The average cohort attrition rate for the 老澳门六合彩资料PA program is 5.5% 
    • The program did not meet benchmark for 2021 and 2022 cohorts.
  • Outcome Measures (Educate and Graduate)
    • PANCE Data
    • The program established a benchmark for the All-time PANCE pass rate as 95% or higher for all graduates.
  • Rationale
    • PANCE data was utilized to indicate student were retained and able to take final performance on the PANCE.  The pass rate indicates the effectiveness of the education and training process.

  • Actual Outcomes
    • 95% all time PANCE pass rate for 老澳门六合彩资料PA Program Class of 2021
    • 100% all time PANCE pass rate for 老澳门六合彩资料PA Program Class of 2022
    • 74% all time PANCE pass rate for 老澳门六合彩资料PA Class of 2023 (as of 8/2024) 
    • On average across all three cohorts 90% 
  • Outcome Measures (Employer Survey)
    • 100% of employers responding will report graduates at or above expectations in the following areas:
    •  Rationale
        • 100% of employers responding will report graduates at or above expectations in the following areas:
          • history taking skills
          • physical exam skills
          • ability to make a differential diagnosis
          • appropriate knowledge of pharmacology
          • appropriate use of medications
          • appropriate use of referrals
          • appropriate use of prevention strategies
          • effective counseling and/or education of patients and their family
          • critical thinking
          • Appropriate coding
          • Communication with colleagues
          • Knowledge of commercial insurance/Medicare/Medicaid regulations
          • Professionalism
  • Actual Outcomes
          • 100% of employers responding reported that 2021 老澳门六合彩资料graduates were at or above expectations in the areas indicated above.
          • No responses were obtained for 2022
          • Program awaits analysis for 2023 responses (Sept 2024)
    • The program met the benchmark for the Employer survey 2021. No data for 2022.
  • Outcome
    • The program established a benchmark of >3.5 on a 5.0-point Likert scale for student perception of all competency domains on the End of Program survey.
  • Rationale
    • End of Program Survey demonstrates the students perceived a level of competency across the program competencies upon program completion.  This provides evidence of the effectiveness of educating and retaining learners.
  • Actual Outcomes
    • Graduating students perceived the program to be achieving competency across all nine domains with an average rating of 4.16 on the End of Program survey.

Goal 3 Program Effectiveness - The program met three of the five (80%) metrics.  All metric benchmarks were met with the exception of the attrition rate.   The program identified an overall achievement above average (70%) across all metrics as evidence of effectiveness in meeting Goal 3.  Thus, the program was effective in meeting this goal. 

4.  Create a learning environment that promotes collaboration among interprofessional teams to ensure efficient, effective, and equitable patient-centered care.

The goal contains 3 metrics supported by data below.

  • Outcome Measures 
    • The program established a benchmark of > 3.5 on 5.0 Likert Scale for items on both the End of Program Survey and the IPE Activity Survey.
  • Rationale
    • The IPE Survey from GSU activity obtains student feedback directly related to the IPE encounter with the SPs and GSU PT students.
    • The End of Program Survey offers additional student data about the opportunity to engage in training with other health care professions during the academic training. 
  • Actual Outcomes
    • 100% of 老澳门六合彩资料PA Program students participated in an Interprofessional Experience with University of Georgia physical therapy students
    • On a survey conducted after the session, students rated positive statements about learning, communication, and teamwork with an average of 4.91.(Benchmark: >3.5 on 5.0-point Likert scale for student rating of agreement about the efficacy of Interprofessional Experience (IPE). Meeting benchmark for 2021, 2022 , and 2023 cohorts).
    • Students who have completed the program rated agreement with statements about interprofessional experience helping them better understand healthcare roles as 4.12. (Benchmark >3.5 on a 5.0-point Likert scale on End of Program survey. Meeting benchmark for 2021, 2022, and 2023 cohorts) 
    • Both survey metrics met benchmark of >70%
  • Outcome Measures 
    • The program established a benchmark indicating that graduating students should achieving a 3 or 鈥渃ompetent鈥 (on a 4.0-point Dreyfus scale) level for interprofessional evaluation items on the Preceptor Evaluation of Students.
  • Rationale
    • The Preceptor evaluation data for this metric represents a mapping of questions from the preceptor evaluation to the program Competencies and Domains as they relate to IPE.  Obtaining preceptor feedback provides data from an external source to show students are engaging in interprofessional practice during the clinical year.  Ongoing tracking of data mapped from the preceptor evaluations and Comp Ai completes this data set.  
  • Actual Outcomes
    • Students in cohorts 2021 and 2022 received an average competency rating of 3.4 out of 4 on preceptor evaluation questions related to interprofessional competencies across all rotations.
    •  Students in cohort 2023 completed all core rotations and were evaluated by their preceptors.  This data is mapped to program competencies. Compiled mapping data for CO23 will be analyzed Sept 2024.  (note: this data collection is not used for individual student assessment but rather program evaluation) 
    • The program met the benchmark for 2021 and 2022 cohorts. Awaiting results for 2023.
    • The benchmark for this metric was achieved (85%).

Goal 4 Program Effectiveness - The program met all benchmarks across all 3 metrics including the preceptor evaluation (2021 and 2022), IPE experience, and End of Program survey.  The program identified an overall achievement above average (70%) across all metrics as evidence of effectiveness in meeting Goal 4.  Thus, the program was effective in meeting this goal. 

5.  Cultivate effective leadership skills that empower learners to identify and address priority local, regional, and global health concerns.

This goal contains 2 metrics as supported by data below.

  • Outcome Measures
    • The program established the benchmark as >3.5 on 5.0-point Likert scale for student agreement about statements related to leadership module effectiveness as part of PALS Curriculum.
  • Rationale
    • Physician Assistant Leadership Superstars (PALS - HRSA grant) offers students leadership training modules from the 老澳门六合彩资料Satcher Leadership Health Institute. The students complete learning opportunity surveys (LOS) regarding the impact of the training.
  • Actual Outcomes
    • 100% of students completed leadership modules as part of the PALs Grant, which include topics such as transformative leadership and high-performing teams.
    • Students agreed the modules taught them something new about leadership in medical practice, teaching how to advocate for patients and increase understanding of health policy (Rated an average of 4.40 out of 5 in agreement) 
    • The program met the benchmark for 2021, 2022, and 2023 cohorts.
  • Outcome Measures
    • The program established the benchmark 50% of all students would be engaged in leadership roles after graduation.
  • Rationale
    • The Graduate Survey asks a specific question regarding leadership.  "Have you currently or previously engaged in any leadershi role in professional/healthcare organizations?" 
  • Actual Outcomes
    • 17% of respondents in the class of 2021 responded they had engaged in leadership roles.
    • All respondents in the class of 2022 responded they had not engaged in leadership roles.
    • Data collection for the class of 2023 will be analyzed in Sept 2024.
    •  The program did not meet the benchmark for this metric

Goal 5 Program Effectiveness - The program met one of the two (50%) benchmarks. The program identified an overall achievement above average (70%) across all metrics as evidence of effectiveness in meeting Goal 5.  Thus, the program was not effective in meeting this goal in its entirety.

6.  Support faculty development and engagement in teaching, scholarship, and service.

This goal contains 4 metrics supported by the data below.

  • Outcome Measures 
    • The program established the following benchmarks:
        • 80% of faculty and staff will attend the annual PAEA Forum.
        • 80% of faculty and staff will feel supported by the program for professional development through release time.
        • 80% of faculty and staff will feel supported by the program for professional development through funding.
  • Rationale
    • The Faculty and Staff Prof Development Survey items provide data regarding team members' perceptions of support, development, and engagement. 
  • Actual Outcomes
    • 79% of respondents to a faculty and staff survey had attended PAEA Forum 
    • 69% of faculty and staff noted they felt supported by the program for professional development through release time.
    • 62% of faculty and staff noted they felt supported by the program for professional development through funding.
    • None of the benchmarks for these metrics were met.
  • Outcome Measures 
    • The program established a benchmark of >3.5 on a 5.0 Likert Scale (70%) for faculty and staff perception of institutional support on the Faculty and Staff Curriculum Survey.
  • Rationale
    • One measure of the perception of institutional support regarding engagement in teaching, scholarship and service is the faculty and staff curriculum survey.
  • Actual Outcomes
    • 2022  2023  2024
      2.8      4.58   3.87    There is a good balance of teaching, service, and research within the department.
    • On average 3.75 faculty and staff perceive there is a good balance of teaching, service, and research from 2022, 2023, and 2024 responses.
    • The benchmark for this metric was met.

Goal 6 Program Effectiveness - The program did not meet the 3 of the 4 benchmarks for metrics contained in this goal.  The program identified an overall achievement above average (70%) across all metrics as evidence of effectiveness in meeting a Goal. Thus, the program was not effective in meeting goal 6.

Physician Assistant Education Association, By the Numbers: Program Report 35: Data from the 2019 Program Survey, Washington, DC: PAEA; 2020. doi: 10.17538/PR35.2020